Mar 24, 2022 | SARAH LORD
The war in Ukraine is beyond comprehension for most of us. The desire to do something practical to help really took hold quickly here at Cooper Parry. A sense of community kicked in with a coordinated effort across not just the Wealth team but the whole company. In the space of 48 hours our teams donated everything from sleeping bags and thermal survival blankets through to crockery and canned food. Many felt so strongly about wanting to contribute they went out and bought new items to donate.
Working with the Ukrainian Club Hospoda near Derby our donations were packed up into a lorry heading to Eastern Europe. Originally the plan was for our donations to be delivered to the Poland/Ukraine border, but with the ever-changing situation out there, including challenges at customs, our donations were redirected to a distribution centre in Moldova which is specifically providing aid for the Ukrainian crisis.
With the help of ‘Mission Without Borders Aid Charity’, our donations have been divided up to be delivered to the areas most in need. That includes many parts of Ukraine (those which are still accessible), as well as many neighbouring countries who have taken on the thousands of refugees and are in desperate need of support provisions.
We hope we’ve made a small difference to a really devastating crisis.
Whilst we’re physically unlikely to be affected by the war in Ukraine we know that its impact is being felt in financial markets. Take a look at our recent blog on the volatility of global markets during uncertain times to understand what it may mean for your investments. Read here
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