Getting advice on just one area of your finances is dangerous. In fact, if you come to us and want advice on say, just your pension fund or setting up an investment portfolio, we’ll politely decline. This is because all areas of your personal wealth are linked in some way.

For example, if you invest without thinking about tax planning, you could be throwing your money away. Or if you take pensions advice without thinking about what you want to leave behind for your family, you could be throwing their money away.

So, our approach is to look at everything. Investment advice, of course. But you’ll walk away with a plan that also covers how to manage risk, how to structure your investments, how to keep tax to a minimum and how to create a legacy. All with your bigger picture in mind.

First we’ll look to understand your values, goals and fears

Then we build a plan to cover all areas of your wealth, making sure…

…you’re protected against the unknown

…your assets are invested sensibly

…you don’t pay more tax than you need to

…you look after those who are important to you