Apr 29, 2019 | EMILY BAKER-GAUNT

Learn from the best – quick fire questions with serial entrepreneur Jamie Waller

We asked British entrepreneur, philanthropist and author of Unsexy Business, Jamie Waller some quick fire questions on his experience of growing, running and selling multiple businesses.

Jamie was born in Bethnal Green, London and grew up as part of the Hackney charity for disadvantaged children, The Imps. He left school at 16 with no qualifications and made his first million by the age of 22. In 2016 and 2017, Jamie sold businesses that were valued at over £40m. Jamie now holds a mixture of controlling and non-controlling equity stakes in many UK-based businesses and a large UK residential and commercial property portfolio. He knows a thing or two and has earned his stripes!

How do you like to be described?

A business person.

What don’t you like about the word entrepreneur?

I think it’s something people can call you but you should not call yourself e.g. he is a Hollywood star Vs I am a Hollywood star.

Does your personal brand contribute to your success?

Yes, my brand is about being straight forward and to the point.

What excites you about the next opportunity?

The risk.

Poacher turned gamekeeper; how are you different to the investors who backed you?

I make things happen and work for a return on my investment.

What does Firestarters (Jamie’s company) offer a business owner?

Money and support.

Are you an excited or calculated investor?


Why are boring businesses exciting?

Boring businesses are normally in a position of a proven business model i.e. selling coffee Vs a sexy business which has invested something new.

Would you work with an impossible genius?

I have tried and it did not work.

Why should someone grow and sell a business?

Take some chips off the table and secure yourself and provide for your family.

Nose to the grindstone or work/life balance?


What keeps you up at night?

Fear of not doing enough. The journey of success is better than the location.

What’s on your bucket list?

Live abroad in the sun.

You can buy Jamie’s book Unsexy Business here, and find out more about Firestarters here.

Find out more about Jamie and his story…

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